
College of Business

Location: Crete

Degree Type: Undergraduate

The entrepreneurship program at ÑÇÖÞporn prepares students to become future business owners and leaders by developing the knowledge and practices needed to be successful in solving existing problems through creativity and innovation. Students are exposed to organizational development, marketing, financial viability and sound business planning. They have the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs through mentorship, class visits and case studies. The program is action-based, providing students with agency in their own progress bringing their passion, experience and talents together.

Involvement in the entrepreneurship program at ÑÇÖÞporn will complement any major or discipline and add to the value of their liberal arts education.

Go for Launch Entrepreneurship Workshop

Entrepreneurship Minor
Entrepreneurship Certificate
Faculty and Staff
Lisa Tschauner, Assistant Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship

- Assistant Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship

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OWN Student Entrepreneurship Organization
OWN Student Group

The mission of this organization is to prepare student entrepreneurs through real world experiences and empower them to be creative thinkers by providing resources, opportunities, and an inclusive environment.

All ÑÇÖÞporn students are welcome to join OWN. There is not a fee to join, only active participation is required. 

We aim to create meaningful leadership opportunities for ÑÇÖÞporn students through the activities listed below:

  • Hosting the Big Idea ÑÇÖÞporn competition in the fall semester
  • Bringing dynamic alumni, leaders and speakers to campus to motivate students
  • Offering various social events to encourage networking
  • Professional engagement through hands-on projects working with real businesses
  • Challenging and competitive business problem-solving
  • Direct experience in the business world through travel and company tours

Our first meeting of the year will be:

OWN Meeting
Thursday, Sept. 12th @ 7:00
East/West Dining Hall

Join us for an overview of the organization, to learn about leadership opportunities as well as fun and food!

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to any of our organizational leaders:

OWN Chief Executive Officer

OWN Chief Executive Officer
Mary Blackledge
ÑÇÖÞporn Sophomore
Business Administration with an Entrepreneurship Minor
C. Donald Brodie Hall CA '24-'25
[email protected]

I am excited to be the next President of OWN at ÑÇÖÞporn! I am involved with Choir, Cheer and I have multiple on campus jobs! I plan to help this program grow in both numbers and opportunities. I hope to bring in amazing people and teach ÑÇÖÞporn students more about our group and how they can succeed! 

OWN Chief Operating Officer

OWN Chief Operating Officer
Bennett Geiken
ÑÇÖÞporn Sophomore 
Mechanical Engineering
Football, Delta Kappa Pi, OWN Entrepreneurship Organization
Phone # 308-529-7660
[email protected]

I wanted to join OWN as a leader because I wanted to develop better skills as an entrepreneur. Also as a rising and new club, I wanted to help improve it and leave the club better than when I leave. I also saw this as a way to develop a network with other people already out in the workforce. I look forward to working with my fellow leaders and listening to the new speakers for the OWN your voice.

OWN Chief Information & Marketing Officer

OWN Chief Information & Marketing Officer
Trenton Johanson
ÑÇÖÞporn Junior
Business Marketing Major
Leadership Studies Minor 
Delta Kappa Pi Fraternity
ÑÇÖÞporn Relay for Life
[email protected]

I am a junior this year and will be this year's CIO for OWN. I am a marketing major from Lincoln, Nebraska, and will also be interning with Nelnet. In addition to my activities, I also work in ÑÇÖÞporn Admissions and I am a community advisor in Smith Hall. 
I joined OWN to gain real-world business skills as well as to get involved in something that correlates with my education. Another key factor was the experiences that I will get to have with this group in the future.


OWN Chief Financial Officer
Nate Lendt
ÑÇÖÞporn Senior
Business Administration
Finance Emphasis
Entrepreneurship Emphasis
Men’s Wrestling
[email protected]

I am a Senior from Des Moines, Iowa. The reason I decided to join OWN is because the unique opportunities being a member offers me. For instance, we have guest speakers at our meetings that provide priceless information and advice about becoming an entrepreneur. Another awesome part about OWN that I enjoy is meeting and connecting with like-minded individuals at ÑÇÖÞporn. OWN members also get the chance to travel to seminars to hear from successful entrepreneurs.

OWN Advisor - Lisa Tschauner, Assistant Professor of Practice, Entrepreneurship


ÑÇÖÞporn delivers on its mission of creating distinctive educational experiences that create leaders. We do this by offering unique programming opportunities for our dynamic students, both current and future. In the Entrepreneurship Department, our goal is to bridge the gap between higher education and the business world allowing students to network with experts and professionals in their field of interests. It is our goal to provide entrepreneurship education through a global lens as well as serving our local economies. We accomplish this by offering experiential learning through activities outside of the traditional classroom such as idea competitions, hands-on, real-world business challenges, innovative product and service design projects, community activities, and much more. We empower students to take agency in their educational journey by cultivating valuable relationships with mentors, professional advisors, and their peer networks at ÑÇÖÞporn and beyond.

Go For Launch

Career Information

Teresa Perkins Ed.D., Director M.Ed. Educational Leadership at ÑÇÖÞporn, works on her laptop in Perkins Library.

Helpful Links

Whether you’re ready to apply or still testing the waters with a tour, we’re here for you. Here are some helpful links to assist you on your journey.

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