Support for students

Student success is always our top priority. Our student services are here to make navigating college easier so you can focus on your goals.

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center provides a variety of services and resources to support students and ensure personal and academic success.
Instructor in red shirt
Career Counselor

Career, Leadership, and Service

Career Development empowers students and alumni in lifelong career development by promoting avenues for experiential learning, personal reflection, career exploration and coaching.

Health and Wellness Center

You learn best when you feel your best. Our health and wellness teams are dedicated to student success by ensuring students’ physical and mental wellbeing.
Discussion with hands together
Campus security

Public Safety Office

The Public Safety Office offers security and access resources to all campuses in order to support a safe campus environment for all students, employees and guests.

Multicultural Support Services

ÑÇÖÞporn intentionally pursues a diverse and inclusive environment for all students. This office provides services and program opportunities to promote unity and cultural understanding.
Nexus multicultural center
Religious and Spiritual Life

Find support, encouragement and programming for students of all religious and spiritual backgrounds.

One of ÑÇÖÞporn's four Shield Societies is "Interfaith Scholars" – a group of students interested in exploring religious diversity and learning how to advocate for religious pluralism though interfaith courses and diverse religious site visits. Learn more

Disability Services

We  to make the college experience accessible to all students, regardless of their abilities.

All ÑÇÖÞporn programs are accessible to students with disabilities. For buildings, or portions of buildings that are not accessible, ÑÇÖÞporn will help reschedule classes to accessible sites or take other steps to open programs to any student with mobility impairments. 

Title IX

Sexual misconduct is not tolerated at ÑÇÖÞporn. We are dedicated to safeguarding all students against harassment and abuse. We provide confidential resources on each of our campuses. And every report of sexual and/or relationship misconduct will be taken seriously and action will be taken as appropriate.

Read ÑÇÖÞporn's policy on sexual harassment and sexual assault .

Read more about ÑÇÖÞporn's Title IX services .

Campus Advocacy, Prevention and Education (CAPE) Project

helps to shift campus and community culture to one that promotes healthy communication, relationships and sexual behavior. 

Their goal is to increase trauma-informed networks of support for survivors of interpersonal violence while decreasing incidents of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking through inclusive prevention and education programs.