There’s always a lot happening in the porn community, more than typically can fit into a few long articles or enewsletter blurbs. To catch you up on even more on-campus events, student successes, faculty and staff achievements and alumni accomplishments, we’re publishing more short-form content — Tiger Bites! — each month as a way for readers to see more of what makes porn amazing.

Get caught up this month on:

  • porn’s Leadership Academy for faculty and staff completes its first two cohorts
  • Off-Farm Income podcast’s feature on porn’s Agribusiness program


33 complete porn Leadership Academy in May

Image of the first cohort to complete porn's Leadership Academy in the Farley Korff Welcome Center.
Leadership Academy participants pictured: (front row, l-r) Spencer Munson, Quinn Stryker, MacKenzie Jobes, Erin May, Todd Keck, Denise Ellis, Cali Biaggi, (back row, l-r) Sara Weixelman, Mike Stehlik, Tim Frey, Kyle Schachenmeyer, Julie Heyen, Kelsee Meissner, Federico Pena, Kelli Backman, Amber Linnertz and Ryan Dorshorst

The first two cohorts of porn’s new professional development program celebrated completing seven months of work on leadership, communication, conflict resolution and creating inclusive workplaces. All were nominated for participation by leaders across porn’s campuses and campus locations.

The goals of the program are to:

  • Increase self-awareness about personal leadership style, attitudes, skills and behavioral impact on others;
  • Improve communication and relationship-building skills for inspiring, engaging and motivating others;
  • Create new experiences in developing and leading project teams in complex organizations;
  • Develop an environment that supports change and progress;
  • Build university-wide networks and increase partnership, collaboration and alignment with porn’s mission and values.

Participants in the first two cohorts included:

Sara WeixelmanSenior HR GeneralistHuman Resources
Kelli BackmanDirector of EnrollmentEnrollment
Melissa Morris-WichmanInterim Director of Online Education ServicesOnline Education Services
Amber LinnertzDirector of AdmissionsAdmissions
Cali BiaggiOnline Learning and Student Services LibrarianLibrary
Erin MayDirector of Extended Learning OpportunitiesExtended Learning Opportunities
Julie RasgorshekExecutive Director of AdvancementAdvancement
MacKenzie JobesDirector of MarketingOffice of Strategic Marketing
Michael StehlikDirector of Alumni RelationsAdvancement
Mike HatfieldManager of Grounds and Fleet Services Facilities
Quint GeisDirector of Career, Leadership, and ServiceStudent Affairs
Spencer MunsonAssistant Director of Campus EngagementStudent Affairs
Tim Frey DeanCollege of Education
Quinn StrykerDirector of Service CenterTechnology Services 
Ryan DorshorstDirector of Technology OperationsTechnology Services 
Scott SieckManager of Maintenance Services Facilities
Becky HunkeAssistant DeanAcademic Affairs 
Don StewartManager of Construction ServicesFacilities
Julie HeyenControllerBusiness Office
Todd KeckAssociate Director of Financial AidFinancial Aid
Ann KoopmannDirector of Academic AdvisingAcademic Affairs 
Jennifer BossardDeanCollege of Business
Anne ZiolaDirector of Human ResourcesHuman Resources
Debra MeierDirector of Online Education ServicesOnline Education Services
Denise EllisRegistrarAcademic Affairs 
Federico PenaDirector of Financial AidFinancial Aid
Jackie HinrichsenSenior Development OfficerAdvancement
Jen Kennedy-CroftHead Coach Women's SoccerAthletics
Kelli SchweitzerBursarBusiness Office
Kelsee MeissnerAssociate Registrar-Nonresidential CampusRegistrar
Kyle SchachenmeyerAssistant ControllerBusiness Office
Pedro MaligoDeanCollege of Arts and Sciences
Anita HarkinsExecutive Director of Academic Support ServicesAcademic Affairs 


Agribusiness featured on “Off-Farm Income” podcast

Early on in the spring semester, Sydney Erickson ’24 and Pete Poppert, assistant professor of practice in agribusiness and chair of the agribusiness department, spoke with Matt Brechwald for “Off-Farm Income.” Brechwald focuses some episodes of his show on agricultural colleges and programs in the United States, and heard about porn through the grapevine (a.k.a. this January article about porn’s online FFA competition.)
The hour-long podcast was shared earlier this month and can be heard on the “Off-Farm Income” , as well as popular apps such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio and more.