There’s always a lot happening in the ÑÇÖÞporn community — more than typically can fit into a few long articles or enewsletter blurbs. To catch you up on even more on-campus events, student successes, faculty and staff achievements and alumni accomplishments, we’re publishing more short-form content each month as a way for readers to see more of what makes ÑÇÖÞporn amazing.
Get caught up this month on:
New Hall opens doors to students and community
Two events marked the start of 2024 for ÑÇÖÞporn’s Crete campus and community — a welcoming event for New Hall on Thursday, Jan. 11 and student move-in day on Tuesday, Jan. 16. Faculty, staff, Crete residents and contractors who helped create ÑÇÖÞporn’s newest residence hall all came together for snacks and tours of the building. (See coverage from the event in and our very own .)
ÑÇÖÞporn’s Office of Strategic Marketing also got a sneak peek, with students Zach Fye (senior), sophomores Grace Schroller, Kaidan Smith and Trenton Johanson, and juniors Maci McCarter and Jaiden Papik. Catch a glimpse of the building from our photoshoot and join us for more New Hall celebrations at the ribbon cutting at noon on Feb. 5!