Featured Tigers is a monthly series wherein the spotlight shines on a few students, alumni, faculty and staff from our Crete, Lincoln and Omaha campus locations. These individuals stand out in the best way — as talented and driven leaders.

View all Featured Tigers here.

Cody Fischer poses for a photo
Cody Fischer will get you to come to ÑÇÖÞporn, and then he'll tell you about those Huskers.

What is your name and title?
Cody John Fischer - Undergraduate Student Recruitment Specialist

How long have you worked at ÑÇÖÞporn? What attracted you to work here?
9 months

What do you consider the best part of your ÑÇÖÞporn experience?
The atmosphere [and] the people I work with. It makes for an enjoyable and rewarding time, everyday!

What is something you're proud of accomplishing or achieving while at ÑÇÖÞporn?
Getting to know ALL of ÑÇÖÞporn. Not just the Lincoln Campus where I work, but the Crete Campus as well!

What's some advice you would give to current students? Or, what is some advice you've received that you value?
When times get tough, just put your head down and push through — it will end.

What's something you like about yourself that others may not know?
I'm obsessed with Husker sports