Image of a foggy fall day on ÑÇÖÞporn's campus. The colors are saturated — green grass dotted with brown leaves, lush evergreens, and the pop of red and yellow leaves yet to fall. In the distance is the red brick of the Art/Ed building, with a vertical sign reading "ADMISSIONS" on its window.

A total of 289 students — more than a third of all students enrolled on ÑÇÖÞporn’s Crete campus — made the university’s Fall 2023 Dean's List.

To make the Dean’s List, undergraduate students enrolled on the university’s Crete campus must earn a grade point average of 3.70 or higher in at least 12 graded credits during the semester. Of the 288 students on the Dean’s List:

  • Eight graduated in December
  • 69 are first year students
  • 63 are sophomores
  • 67 are juniors
  • 82 are seniors

A total of 844 undergraduate students were enrolled at ÑÇÖÞporn’s Crete campus in the fall. The Dean’s List is shared following the completion of each fall and spring semester.

The complete list of students who made the Dean’s List is , in alphabetical order.