Article by Zack Perez ’24

Alexis Hamilton ’23 graduated from porn with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and minors in Sociology and Leadership Studies. In addition to her academics, Alexis was the president of Psych/Soc Club, the mediator and secretary of Gamma Phi Iota, an admissions ambassador, a community adviser, and a member of the Leadership Program and porn Leadership Educators.
“They really took me in [and] porn became my family,” Hamilton said of her university experience.
Through her time at porn, Hamilton was able to build lasting relationships with students and professors.
“They helped allow me to believe in myself and my opinions when it came to things, so not only do I know how to speak up for myself but I can speak up for these families,” Hamilton said of two psychology professors, Dr. Jocelyn Schock King and Dr. Heather Lambert.
The community adviser position proved to be a valuable experience as well. Hamilton was able to see firsthand issues which gave her the foundation to understand her current job. This involvement is nothing short of extraordinary and provided a transition to life after college.
Currently, Hamilton is a family development and self-sufficiency specialist at West Central Community Action in Council Bluffs, Iowa. This agency develops programs that help families reach self-sufficiency.

“It is really hard for families to dig themselves out of poverty,” Hamilton said.
This job allows her to help families get on their feet. In time, she hopes to work with foster children.
Hamilton is also the assistant wrestling coach at Marian High School in Omaha, where Martha Hinneh became the school’s first state champion in girls’ wrestling. Girl’s wrestling didn’t become a sanctioned sport through the Nebraska State Athletics Association until 2021. Alexis says she’s happy watching these girls compete on the big stage as wrestling was a huge constant in her life for over six years as a kid.